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  • Lifestyle

It might be your second time around the pregnancy way, but not everything remains the same. Your to-do checklist needs to prepare for the needs of your two children this time around! 

Here’s a handy guide for you to use:

Prep the Hand-Me-Downs
If you’ve saved the baby items of your first child, you’ll need to wash everything after taking them out of storage. Clothes and blankets need to be laundered well. Baby toys need to be cleaned and sanitized

Pack a Bag for Each Child

Your new baby will need his own diaper bag with all his newborn essentials that you will take to the hospital. If you are repurposing an old diaper bag, make sure that it has been emptied out and cleaned well. Don’t forget to put your nursing items, too, if you plan to breastfeed.

Your older child will need her own set of supplies: a pair of day clothes, a pair of pajamas, diapers or underwear , wipes, snacks, and an extra sippy cup. 

Arrange for Your Older Child’s Care

Who will be taking care of your child when you go into the hospital? Even with a yaya, you would want a trusted person to make sure your older child feels cared for and attended to. Your parents, a good friend, or one of your siblings can stay with her (or she can stay with them) until the time comes to meet her new sibling! Plan ahead: will she continue going to classes and her other activities on these days? Will she be able to visit you as soon as you give birth? Make a plan so she feels part of this exciting event.

Make sure you brief whoever is taking care of your child about her needs and other useful information, like allergies, preferences, and routines. Write down all you can, including your numbers, hospital information, and other details. 

Double Check Your Baby’s Things

Are your bottles and pacifiers sterilized? Are all the gadgets working? Are the batteries in? Is the crib fitted properly? Is the car seat up to standard and installed correctly? Do you have enough diapers? Are they the right size? Don’t forget that new babies are teeny tiny!

Stock Up on Essentials

Apart from all your baby needs, check your family situation. You’d like to go home to a fully stocked pantry and with your bathroom items at the ready. Don’t wait until the last week to restock household and personal items, plus a few extra treats to look forward to in the postpartum days. You won’t have the time to run out if there’s something you need from the store.

Do Something Special with Your First Child
Create a customized activity that is hers alone. Read her a special book about being a big sibling as your pregnancy progresses. Schedule a cool “older kid” activity that you know she’d enjoy and you probably won’t be able to do for a while. Spend time with her and do things she likes, because this will be the last time she is the sole focus of your attention.



17 Things to Do Before Your Second Baby is Born
