• Lifestyle

Adapting Your Style for the Pregnant Months

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  • Lifestyle

Do you feel like you don’t recognize yourself anymore? Sure, there’s a lot of changes happening, on the inside and out. It doesn’t help that you’re starting to outgrow your favorite clothing pieces. Don’t fret. With some creative maneuvering, you can still claim your identity with a lot of personal style and a few adjustments.

Take an inventory of your closet
What can you repurpose? Items that can grow with your changing body are your best bets. Gather leggings, trapeze dresses, maxi dresses, and anything in stretch fabric. Meanwhile, jackets and blazers you can complete a smart ensemble.

Have pregnancy staples
Why not cultivate a look that will work with your current condition? A basic color palette that makes it easier to mix and match, as well as easier to shop for if needed. Having similar shades also helps make your look more streamlined so that you don’t break your silhouette unnecessarily.

Shop to supplement
You’ll want to have some dependable maternity wear in your rotation. Find some stylish maternity jeans that reflect your taste. One or two should be fine for the few months you need them. This is the time to marry comfort with style! Same goes for finding maternity leggings; choose pairs that go with your basic wardrobe.

Buy shoes meant for your pregnant feet. You will need a couple of pairs that will accommodate your swollen feet. Don’t try to squeeze into your old favorites; they’ll need to take a break from regular use.

You don’t need to be monochromatic and bland either. Keep your accessories handy to add some flair to your everyday wear. Sunglasses, scarves, and jewelry can change a look easily and still be a testament to your personal style.

If you don’t have any yet, infinity scarves present countless ways to dress your look—and you can choose to hide or reveal your bump as you please, especially in the early days. Choose to carry a big purse to keep your look balanced and put together.



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