Are parents over-prioritising learning ability? All Rounded Development is important!

Parents want to give the best to their child and want to continue to support children’s all rounded growth and development. It is even more important to rethink how to support the development of an all-rounded child with the increasing influence of technology.

Are parents today prioritising learning ability over other areas of development? Hear from the professionals to find out more now!

Emerging Mental Problem & Importance of Social-emotional Development

Is social and emotional developments your priority and do you know how to support your children in these areas? Watch this episode of Developing Next-Gen, Conversations with Professionals to find out more about:

  • how childhood social-emotional functioning can affect mental health later in life; and
  • advice on what you can do to help children to be more aware of and manage their emotions.

Good Eye Development & Role of Gut Health in a Child’s Immune System

Vision check should start young even if you don’t see symptoms, your child may have a vision problem and affect his/her focus ability. Good gut environment plays a vital role to support your child’s immune system too!

Tune in to find out more about these two aspects of a child’s development and how nutrition can support these two areas of development from our professionals.


Why Parents Need to Support Next-Gen All Rounded Growth & Development

Panel of professionals have shared their views on how parents today are over-prioritising on children’s learning; impact of early childhood social and emotional development on later mental health; and advice to parents on how to better support their children’s development from social and emotional development to the eye and gut.

Catch this episode for their last piece of advice for you who are concerned with your children’s all rounded growth and development.

Role of Nutrition in a Child’s Overall Development

One in five children under the age of five suffers from stunting in Malaysia but many mums are not aware of this or not sure if their children are stunted.

Let’s find out from our professional what stunting is and how can nutrition support the overall growth and development of a child in 8 specific areas.