Can discipline be positive?
Positive discipline can be a supportive and encouraging way to teach your little one. Here are 3 tips to help you learn more about it!
Discipline is often a touchy subject when it comes to parenting. On one hand, we understand that discipline is an important aspect of our child’s development. On the other, we don’t want to hurt our child by punishing or scolding them.
But discipline does not always require physical punishment, which is why positive discipline can be a supportive and encouraging way to teach your little one. If you would like to consider positive discipline, here are 3 tips to help you learn more about it!
Focus on good behaviour instead of punishing the bad
Positive discipline does not use fear as a means of control. Kids will act out and misbehave – but instead of punishing them for it, we can instead nurture the good behaviours.
Instead of pulling the because-I-said-so card, explain to them like you would to an adult why misbehaving is not acceptable. Use positive reinforcement by encouraging your little one whenever they behave or perform well.
Redirect misbehaviour to good behaviour
Positive discipline encourages parents to communicate and connect with their child. It helps to understand what may trigger your little one to become exceptionally energetic or moody so you can redirect potential misbehaviours.
For example, your little one loves going to the grocery store, but out of overexcitement, they end up running around and pulling products off shelves. Try turning the disruptive behaviour into a productive one by asking them to help out. Give them a little list of their own and a toy trolley if the establishment provides one, and let them shop alongside you.
Helps boost self-esteem and positivity
Positive discipline recognises that children have needs and boundaries that, when respected, can help build long-term self-esteem and empowerment.
And because it focuses on finding a solution instead of punishment, there is an emphasis on the reasons behind the child’s actions instead of a temporary way to stop the behaviour. Hence, it can have a more positive and lasting effect on the child’s behaviour and attitude as they grow up.
At the end of the day, there’s no one correct way to discipline a child because every child is special and unique. For more support on discipline, you can explore advice and tips on Mummy Talk Episode 2 that discusses different parenting styles!